Search me, Oh God, and know my heart:
try me, and know my thoughts.
Psalm 139:23
Search me Lord,
And know my heart.
Find in me,
Every anxious part.
And know my heart.
Find in me,
Every anxious part.
Indeed, my flesh is alive and well,
Not Thy will, God, but mine indwells.
Not Thy will, God, but mine indwells.
Hold me Lord,
And mold my heart.
And mold my heart.
Break in me,
Every selfish part.
Indeed, my flesh is dead and often smells,
Not my will, God, but may Yours indwell.
Not my will, God, but may Yours indwell.
Change me Lord,
And purify my heart.
Revive in me,
The humble part.
And purify my heart.
Revive in me,
The humble part.
Indeed, my spirit is weak and useless,
Live in me, God, and find me less.
Live in me, God, and find me less.
Use me Lord,
And strengthen my heart.
And strengthen my heart.
Redeem in me,
The holy part.
© Jeffrey E. Pollock (Nov 2001)

May the words of my mouth
and the meditation of my heart
be pleasing in your sight,
Oh Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.
Psalm 19:14
How many poems,
Must a poet write,
Before a good one,
Leaves his pen?
Must a poet write,
Before a good one,
Leaves his pen?
How many poems,
Must a poet write,
Before he hears one cry,
Must a poet write,
Before he hears one cry,
How many songs,
Must a singer sing,
Before a true one,
Leaves his lips?
Must a singer sing,
Before a true one,
Leaves his lips?
How many songs,
Must a singer sing,
Before he sings one,
To the King?
Must a singer sing,
Before he sings one,
To the King?
Too many poems,
A poet writes,
Are addressed to...
Me, Myself, or I.
A poet writes,
Are addressed to...
Me, Myself, or I.
Too many songs,
And not enough words,
Are written,
That truly glorify the Lord.
And not enough words,
Are written,
That truly glorify the Lord.
The very best poems,
The very best songs,
Lift our heart's praise,
Where it belongs.
The very best songs,
Lift our heart's praise,
Where it belongs.
So sing your songs to Jesus,
Write your poems so He'll be pleased,
After all ~ all creation is a song by Jesus,
We are His living poetry.
Write your poems so He'll be pleased,
After all ~ all creation is a song by Jesus,
We are His living poetry.
He loves to hear your heartbeat,
He loves to hear you sing,
So keep your heart tuned in purity,
And play it out before your King.
He loves to hear you sing,
So keep your heart tuned in purity,
And play it out before your King.
© Jeffrey E. Pollock (11 Nov 2001)

And pray in the Spirit on all occasions
with all kinds of prayers and requests.
With this in mind, be alert and always
keep on praying for all the saints.
Ephesians 6:18
Search my heart God ~ find in me,
An able servant on his knees.
Fill my mind God, with true faith,
Help me stand for truth today.
An able servant on his knees.
Fill my mind God, with true faith,
Help me stand for truth today.
Hold my heart God ~ instill in me,
A willing servant on his knees.
Enlighten my mind Lord, with Your Word,
Encourage my spirit with the truth l've learned.
A willing servant on his knees.
Enlighten my mind Lord, with Your Word,
Encourage my spirit with the truth l've learned.
Protect my heart God ~ build in me,
An able servant on his knees.
Guard my mind Lord, in Your Word,
Lift my spirit with the truth I've heard.
An able servant on his knees.
Guard my mind Lord, in Your Word,
Lift my spirit with the truth I've heard.
Mold my heart God ~ perfect in me,
An able servant on his knees.
Strengthen my spirit Jesus, with true faith,
Help me stand for love today.
An able servant on his knees.
Strengthen my spirit Jesus, with true faith,
Help me stand for love today.
Warm my heart God ~ light in me,
A faithful servant on his knees.
Refresh my mind Lord, with godly hope,
Give me strength to live and cope.
A faithful servant on his knees.
Refresh my mind Lord, with godly hope,
Give me strength to live and cope.
Release me Lord, from my own thoughts,
Teach me my part, in the war you fought.
Search my heart God ~ find in me,
A prayer warrior on his knees.
Teach me my part, in the war you fought.
Search my heart God ~ find in me,
A prayer warrior on his knees.
© Jeffrey E. Pollock (13 Feb 1999)

My son, give me thine heart,
and let thine eyes observe my ways.
Proverbs 23:26
Proverbs 23:26
Standing on this shaky shoreline,
Looking out across life's awesome span;
I see a reflection of myself on the other side;
And I know I'm not yet the man, I know I really am.
Looking out across life's awesome span;
I see a reflection of myself on the other side;
And I know I'm not yet the man, I know I really am.
Jesus Christ is calling me,
To stand firmly on the rock of Truth;
And let the sins of my youth fall behind me,
As I worship His Father in spirit and truth.
To stand firmly on the rock of Truth;
And let the sins of my youth fall behind me,
As I worship His Father in spirit and truth.
While singers sing songs of today's rebellion,
And actors act out colorful lies;
We must be committed to waiting on Jesus,
And remember to take life one day at a time.
And actors act out colorful lies;
We must be committed to waiting on Jesus,
And remember to take life one day at a time.
The idols of this life are slavery in the making,
And the fears they produce are the devil's whipping chains.
The choices we make will determine the joy of our journey,
And by God's grace we can choose to rejoice in His strength!
And the fears they produce are the devil's whipping chains.
The choices we make will determine the joy of our journey,
And by God's grace we can choose to rejoice in His strength!
I believe God gave us Christian vision,
So that we could see through this World's deceits;
Living our lives secure in the revelation of Jesus Christ,
So that we could see through this World's deceits;
Living our lives secure in the revelation of Jesus Christ,
We walk by faith and not by sight,
Looking forward to His perfect peace.
Be careful as you walk this earth,
Don't just keep your eyes on Jesus.
Don't just keep your eyes on Jesus.
Focus every ounce of who you are on Him;
Always praising God that you have been given new birth.
Walk in the light as He is in the light,
And you'll forever see the value of His worth.
And you'll forever see the value of His worth.
As I look across this awesome sea of faith,
And see the image of the man I'll someday be,
I hear the voice of my Lord and Savior calling me
Into the light of eternity.
And see the image of the man I'll someday be,
I hear the voice of my Lord and Savior calling me
Into the light of eternity.
© Jeffrey E. Pollock (Sep 1998)

For God, who said,
"Let light shine out of darkness,"
made His light shine in our hearts
to give us the light of the knowledge
of the glory of God in the face of Christ.
2 Corinthians 4:6
2 Corinthians 4:6
Lift your hands,
Servant of God.
Hold your head up,
Face the Son.
Servant of God.
Hold your head up,
Face the Son.
Glorify the Lord,
In your heart.
Praise your God,
In the Spirit.
In your heart.
Praise your God,
In the Spirit.
The wonder of life,
Is the constant search,
To find the source,
of joy on earth.
Is the constant search,
To find the source,
of joy on earth.
Raise your eyes,
Sing His praise.
Believe on Jesus,
All your days.
Sing His praise.
Believe on Jesus,
All your days.
Strengthen the Faith,
In God's Son.
Rest in the work,
He has done.
In God's Son.
Rest in the work,
He has done.
He will make you whole,
And renew your self-esteem.
Put your hope in Him,
To forgive, restore, redeem.
And renew your self-esteem.
Put your hope in Him,
To forgive, restore, redeem.
© Jeffrey E. Pollock (Dec 2001)

Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life.
No one comes to the Father except through me.
John 14:6
I find my heart in need of Jesus
It is bleeding fast, losing strength
Broken into pieces
It is bleeding fast, losing strength
Broken into pieces
Power is perfected in weakness
It's easy for pride to push a man
Past the point of no return
Fueled by America's money machine
It's easy for men to crash and burn
I find my mind in need of Jesus
It is confused, losing memory
Blitzed by news media
It is confused, losing memory
Blitzed by news media
Praise is perfected in humility
It's easy for pride to drive a man
Over the edge of no return
Held at bay by his own selfish ways
It's easy for man to demand all the praise
I find my soul needs Jesus most
It is senseless, without mores
Deceived by my own flesh
It is senseless, without mores
Deceived by my own flesh
Peace is perfected in righteousness
It's so easy for pride to please a man
Without a thought of Christ's return
Kept in chains by human tradition
It's easy to believe there's nothing left to learn
I find my entire life is in need of Jesus
The Truth, the Life, the Way
His truth frees my heart
From regret and broken promises
The Truth, the Life, the Way
His truth frees my heart
From regret and broken promises
His life clears my mind
From criticism and doubt
The way of Jesus sets my feet
On the ONLY path to Heaven
On the ONLY path to Heaven
Where I know our Father
Is waiting to welcome me home
Let's all worship Him today
For the great love He has shown
© Jeffrey E. Pollock (25 Dec 2001)

You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body
and knit me together in my mother's womb
Psalm 139:13
My child, My precious child,
I know everything about you.
Every part of your life is Mine,
Each moment you exist is new.
I know everything about you.
Every part of your life is Mine,
Each moment you exist is new.
Every beat of your heart belongs to Me,
Every ounce of your blood has divine origin.
My servant, My chosen servant,
Return to Me and find forgiveness for your sin.
Every ounce of your blood has divine origin.
My servant, My chosen servant,
Return to Me and find forgiveness for your sin.
God forgive me this ~ my enemies' pride,
Make me aware of my life-long foe.
Give me strength not to fight and courage to die,
Take my enemies God ~ and lay them low.
Make me aware of my life-long foe.
Give me strength not to fight and courage to die,
Take my enemies God ~ and lay them low.
God grant me this ~ my hearts' desire:
Open my mind to know Your grace-filled Word.
Test this heart of weakness with Your holy fire;
And give me the wisdom Lord to love You first.
Open my mind to know Your grace-filled Word.
Test this heart of weakness with Your holy fire;
And give me the wisdom Lord to love You first.
Every prayer, every word, every cry, every tear,
Every hope, every battle, every sigh, every fear.
In all the truths and lies that will confront me this year,
I'll be trusting You, my Lord, Your Holy Spirit is here.
Every hope, every battle, every sigh, every fear.
In all the truths and lies that will confront me this year,
I'll be trusting You, my Lord, Your Holy Spirit is here.
Hold me, protect me when I suffer for Christ,
And show me my Savior when my mission is done.
Lead me and guide me through the landmines of life,
To the throne room of Heaven where I've followed Your Son.
And show me my Savior when my mission is done.
Lead me and guide me through the landmines of life,
To the throne room of Heaven where I've followed Your Son.
© Jeffrey E. Pollock (1 Jan 2002)

With a firm 'No' to sin ready on my lips,
I enter this battle with love in my heart.
Looking to affirm my Lord's faithful 'yes',
I go where I'm sent and remain set apart.
Looking to affirm my Lord's faithful 'yes',
I go where I'm sent and remain set apart.
God, I want to serve You,
Spirit, I want to know You,
Jesus, I fall before You,
O Shepherd, I rise to obey You.
Spirit, I want to know You,
Jesus, I fall before You,
O Shepherd, I rise to obey You.
With an upright stance I glorify Jesus,
In the light of His Word I fight for the truth.
Waiting on God's Spirit to confirm my surrender,
I humbly accept my need of a Savior like You.
In the light of His Word I fight for the truth.
Waiting on God's Spirit to confirm my surrender,
I humbly accept my need of a Savior like You.
Father God, I want to serve You,
Holy Spirit, I want to know You,
Christ Jesus, I fall before You,
O Master, I rise only to obey You.
Holy Spirit, I want to know You,
Christ Jesus, I fall before You,
O Master, I rise only to obey You.
With a godly vision I look forward to seeing God,
In the hope of joining Heaven's eternal praise.
I practice today for tomorrow's pure joy,
And live for the moment when I'll see Jesus' face.
In the hope of joining Heaven's eternal praise.
I practice today for tomorrow's pure joy,
And live for the moment when I'll see Jesus' face.
Father God, I want to serve You,
Holy Spirit, I want to know You,
Lord Jesus, I live to serve You,
I AM ~ I die to myself for You.
Holy Spirit, I want to know You,
Lord Jesus, I live to serve You,
I AM ~ I die to myself for You.
With saving grace You showed all men,
Your heart of love counts the highest cost,
You gave Your Son to live and to die for us,
The cruelest death upon a cross.
Your heart of love counts the highest cost,
You gave Your Son to live and to die for us,
The cruelest death upon a cross.
My God, I want to serve You,
My Lord, I want to know You,
Holy Spirit, I long to hear You,
My Savior, I live because of You.
My Lord, I want to know You,
Holy Spirit, I long to hear You,
My Savior, I live because of You.
Make my life a living sacrifice,
Take my heart and change it ,
Take my heart and change it ,
until there's no doubt I am holy,
Wholly devoted to Your will.
Wholly devoted to Your will.
I must become less.
John 3:30
© Jeffrey E. Pollock (4 Jan 2002)